5 Year Planner
All programs fall on the 2nd Monday of each month –
7:30 P.M.
Lebanon Citizens Nat’l Bank, 30 Park Place West in Uptown Oxford, OH on the Square.
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Meeting times & locations are subject to change. Please check newsletters, AMV website and local community flyers for changes.
2006 AMV Public Programs
Spring Program Schedule
February 13
Audubon’s River
DeVere Burt, Wildlife Artist, Former Director Cincinnati Science Center
Arguably, the country’s most renowned artist, John James Audubon spent 13 formative years on the American frontier living and working in the Ohio Valley . The 13 year period culminated with his employment at the Western Museum Society in 1820. It is here in the Queen City that he committed to the creation and production of his life’s work, the monumental, “Birds of North America”.
Wildlife artist, DeVere Burt, former President and CEO of the Cincinnati Museum of Natural History and Science, traces his corporate pedigree to John James Audubon, who was his institutions first salaried employee. Burt’s presentation includes accounts of Audubon’s interactions with the frontier’s more notable characters, including Alexander Wilson, Daniel Boone, George Rogers Clark, William Clark, Meriweather Lewis, Daniel Drake, Sacagawea and her husband Toussiant Chardbonneau, and others. The talk will be illustrated with some of Burt’s paintings inspired by Audubon’s journals and the ecological beauty of the Ohio Valley in the 1920’s.
“It was the month of October. The autumnal tints already decorated the shores of the queen of rivers, the Ohio . Every tree was hung with long and flowing festoons of different species of vines, many loaded with clustered fruits of varied brilliancy, their rich bronzed carmine mingling beautifully with the yellow foliage, which now predominated over the yet green leaves, reflecting more lively tints from the clear stream than ever a landscape painter portrayed or a poet imagined. As night came …the hooting of the Great Owl, or the muffled noise of its wings as it sailed smoothly over the stream, were matters of interest to us…” ( Audubon – Writings and Drawings)
March 6
There and Back Again: Audubon At Home Connecting Communities across the Continent
Casey Tucker, Audubon Ohio, Audubon at Home Educator
Join Casey Tucker, Education Specialist for Audubon At Home in Ohio, as he recounts how the Audubon at Home program is connecting communities across the continent for bird conservation in our backyards.
== Meeting in Middletown , Ohio ==
== First Presbyterian Church, 2910 Central Avenue 7:30 PM ==
Audubon At Home in Ohio is designed to help individuals become more conscientious of the conservation consequences of their everyday actions. By helping people become aware of how simple everyday actions can help protect bird populations and the environment, we are enabling everyone to bring conservation home. Whether you live in a small urban apartment, a tree lined suburban neighborhood, or agricultural community, there are many things that you can do to make your home and community better habitat for wildlife and more environmentally friendly for yourself and your loved ones.
This AMV Public Program is Hosted by Bull’s Run Nature Center and Arboretum
513-423-9555 [email protected] for more location information.
Dinner 6:30pm Bring food to share
Carpool from Oxford 513 523 1782
April 6
This event is not sponsored by Audubon Miami Valley
David Sibley, author and artist of Sibley’s Guide to Birds, will be speaking in the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens Barrows Conservation Lecture Series at the Xavier University Cintas Center at 7:30 pm. Tickets required www.cincinnatizoo.org
April 10
Florida Bay – Conservation in Action – Roseate Spoonbills
Dr. Jerry Lorenz, Director, Tavernier Science Center, FL
At the turn of the century, the plume hunting industry in Florida nearly extirpated the huge populations of wading birds that were associated with the Everglades . Among the casualties was one of Florida ’s most identifiable and beloved bird species: the Roseate Spoonbill. By 1935, it was believed that the spoonbill breeding population had been reduced to only 5 nests on Bottle Key in Florida Bay from which they began a slow recovery. In his presentation, Dr. Lorenz pulls together Audubon’s 70 year record on spoonbill nesting patterns with his personal experience in studying the fish on which spoonbills feed, thereby constructing a story of how the human population explosion in southern Florida has had a multilevel effect on spoonbills. During the development boom, seemingly unrelated events serially reduced the spoonbill’s foraging habitats in domino like fashion resulting in a dramatic decline in spoonbill nesting success that continues today. Dr. Lorenz demonstrates how the destruction of wetlands for urban and agricultural use have not only endangered spoonbills, but myriad other creatures and entire ecosystems. Ecosystems that drive Florida ’s tourist based economy. Like the canary in a coal mine, Roseate Spoonbills are letting us know that there is something drastically wrong with Florida Bay . Interwoven with the scientific endeavor, Dr. Lorenz chronicles the colorful history of Audubon science in Florida while also explaining how the indomitable appeal of the flame birds won the heart of a man who made a career of studying fish.
This AMV Public Program will be held at 112 Pearson Hall, Miami University , Oxford OH
(Parking at Cook Field) Co-sponsored by the Department of Zoology
May 8
Bird Migration
Alicia Craig, Director, Bird Conservation Alliance, American Bird Conservancy
Alicia Craig’s program will explore the wonder of bird migration via video and map simulation giving us a better understanding how birds get from their winter ranges to their breeding territories and back again in a relentless and daunting annual cycle.
“William Cochran and his coworkers captured a migrating Gray-cheeked Thrush in central Illinois one afternoon and attached a tiny radio transmitter to it. At dark the thrush took off on the next leg of its journey, followed by the ornithologists in a small plane. A severe thunderstorm and a shortage of fuel forced their plane down during the night but the thrush flew on. After refueling, the Cochran group took off again and remarkably, relocated the thrush in the vast night sky by dead reckoning. The thrush landed at dawn in Wisconsin after flying 650 kilometers on a firm compass bearing all night – without refueling.” Alicia Craig’s program will explore the wonder of bird migration via video and map simulation giving us a better understanding how birds get from their winter ranges to their breeding territories and back again in a relentless and daunting annual cycle.
The two 2005 Rosie Bloom Scholarship Recipients, Alex Hickey and Jo Anne Williamson will be making short presentations to the Chapter on their summer experiences at the National Audubon Society’s Hog Island Camp.
June 12
“Who Cook’s For You All” Potluck
This annual Public event will be near Hueston Woods State Park Office. At 6pm there’ll be a short dedication ceremony at the new Boy Scout Eagle project wetland bird blind. An official Bird Count will then take place from the blind or folks can move downshore for a Lakeside Optics Demo. At 7pm we’ll eat/hear brief committee reports/introduce new officers. Bring own table service, and food to share.