Christmas Counts

Christmas Bird Count, 1993-2004

Christmas Bird Count Frequency of Species by Years

SPECIES12 Yr. Ave.200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993
Common Loon1.17010107005000
Pied-billed Grebe2.50021307641150
Horned Grebe0.83010100600002
Great Blue Heron8.58135181661213251003
Black Vulture2.251852020000000
Turkey Vulture9.73166605000000045
Canada Geese269.0025523423833634814847151391450445185
Mute Swan0.08000100000000
Tundra Swan1.581800010000000
Wood Duck0.64100001204000
American Widgeon2.2501001221100100
Black Duck51.2540170922625183148219
BLUE-WINGED TEAL0.921100000000000
NORTHERN SHOVELER0.921100000000000
Ring-necked Duck0.42100400000000
Greater Scaup0.33000400000000
Lesser Scaup2.500191700000030
Common Goldeneye7.08000003001835029
Hooded Merganser17.420050023706111219
Common Merganser4.3300101320053010
Red-breasted Merganser0.33010000000210
Ruddy Duck1.75005006000280
Northern Harrier3.83354672545050
Sharp-shinned Hawk2.67474212222321
Cooper’s Hawk1.50311214102201
Broad Winged Hawk0.17010000000100
Red-tailed Hawk15.17261511257159168192011
Rough-legged Hawak0.08000000001000
Bald Eagle0.17000101000000
Northern Bobwhite5.0060020228019012
Sandhill Crane1.420170000000000
Bonaparte’s Gull0.50140001000000
Ring-billed Gull232.75167532003754781903526734350363164
Herring Gull5.7500045321011700
Rock Dove47.587405328078610346527520
Mourning Dove234.423442882981761921578722994519261211
Eastern Screech Owl0.50011000220000
Great Horned Owl1.58143102221030
Barred Owl2.25132401371221
Long-eared Owl0.08000000000100
Belted Kingfisher7.831066173613445713
Red-bellied Woodpecker48.75855653631375524640343830
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker46.83763640372266724933405932
Hairy Woodpecker8.081041174911910967
Northern Flicker25.2540368221125382911191450
Pileated Woodpecker10.00241491021112115868
Blue Jay59.17389065703292703537826336
Horned Lark13.331574140660016200
Barn Swallow0.08000000010000
Carolina Chickadee177.4221217913716310121826129014316416596
Tufted Titmouse68.08747263732969758481916343
Red-breasted Nuthatch3.1702130130001018
White-breasted Nuthatch42.83544637531753437643562016
Brown Creeper6.4224147026269916
Carolina Wren24.1739194728810282010451125
Winter Wren0.33110100100000
Golden-crowned Kinglet8.5815071840120132419
Ruby-crowned Kinglet0.67030210000011
Eastern Bluebird56.58322267846093596915786535
Hermit Thrush1.42440111510000
American Robin542.58862388768701493165537980224237423301
Gray Catbird0.17000010000010
Northern Mockingbird10.581314201012516117973
Brown Thrasher0.17100000000010
European Starling1734.50187714101060424319103470107687068520058641344
American Pipit2.080421000000000
Cedar Waxwing42.5027149141293720153348479
Yellow-rumped warbler5.831150202121430102
Rufous-sided Towhee4.339425251012228
American Tree Sparrow35.5811117244991852516434025
Chipping Sparrow1.50006000000390
Field Sparrow3.2511000139110112
Fox Sparrow1.25220012410030
Song Sparrow38.003223191897063436987728
Swamp Sparrow0.75000000000801
White-throated Sparrow75.50206101349440949636241012456
White-crowned Sparrow5.173743512635824
Dark-eyed Junco179.7519327512613196256303179198161136115
Lapland Longspur0.000000cw0000000
Snow Bunting0.000000cw0000000
Northern Cardinal185.2520314812819997260236195174270142171
Red-winged Black Bird0.42000500000000
Eastern Meadowlark3.7511501000002233
Brewer’s Blackbird16.7500100000020000
Common Grackle5.50001400000012130
Brown-headed Cowbird7.0811100000000712
Purple Finch1.92980001500000
House Finch72.2580397321521219726589412086
Pine Siskin0.75010601100000
American Goldfinch122.832967771998230682126165473390
House Sparrow237.083332353618760916114321021225913699
Average Numbersseen5896.256,7874,7465,1877,7425,9138,5584,6064,0174,1548,4635,4385,298
Total Speciesave. #of species


Center of count: 39 30’N 84 45’W, as described in 1972, center Rt. 73 bridge over 4-Mile Creek E. of Oxford OHIO

  • Date: Dec. 18, 2004, sunrise=7:54 am (EST); sunset= 5:17 pm
  • Official Count Times: 0700 a.m. to 1700 p.m.
  • Temperature: 21.2F/-6C to 37F. Humidity = 60%; dewpoint = 10F/-12C; Pressure = 28.20 steady;
  • Wind: calm 2.0 mph SSW. Precipitation = .00 in.
  • Water: 90% Open (not frozen),
  • AM CLEAR; PM Sunny; Visability = 9.7.
  • Observers: 32 in 12 parties (non-owling) + 2 hour owling
  • Total Party Hours: 156
  • Party Miles: 238 @40 hours and 60 miles on foot, 20 hours and 190 miles by car
  • Total Species: 66
  • Total Individuals: 6334
  • Report filed by Lawrence W. Sherman, 12/19/2004
  • Paid Participants ($6 each) [26=$168.00](3 first timers=$18.00 paid by AudubonMiamiValley) = $186.00 total participation fee.

Weather From

Christmas Bird Count 2004 participants included 33 people, of which 3 were first timers. AudubonMiamiValley paid their participation fees ($6.00 each) while all ‘old timers’ contributed $6.00 each. A special note of thanks to each of the 12 “trip leaders”:Paul Anderson, Debra Bowles, Al Cady, Sharon Edwards, Hardy and Barbara Eshbaugh, Bill Heck, Dave Osborne, Neil Poppendeck, Bill Pratt, Jim Reid, and Leslye Sherman. Partipants includeed:

Paul Anderson, Oxford, OH
Debra Bowles, Oxford, OH
Al Cady, Oxford, OH
Sharon Edwards, Oxford, OH
Hardy and Barb Eshbaugh, Oxford, OH
Bill Heck, Oxford, OH
+Judi Hetrick, Oxford, OH
Jim and Alex Hickey, Oxford, OH
Chuck Holliday, Hamilton, OH
Jeanette Jaskula, Oxford, OH
Jack Keegan, Oxford, OH
+Tom Klak, Oxford, OH
Jay Mager, Oxford, OH
Bruce Magurn, Oxford, OH
Ben Matox, Oxford, OH
Jim and Sarah Michael, Oxford, OH
Annie Nielson, Oxford, OH
Dave Osborne, Oxford, OH
Neil and Laura Poppendeck, Hamilton, OH
Bill Pratt, Oxford, OH
+Dan Prochaska, Oxford, OH
Jim Reid, Oxford, OH
Gail Reynolds, Oxford, OH
Larry and Leslye Sherman, Oxford, OH
Casey Tucker, Columbus, OH
Jean Vance, Oxford, OH
Bill Wilson, Oxford, OH
Liz Woedl, Oxford, OH


105th Christmas Bird Count of the AudubonMiamiValley Chapter of the National Audubon Society

Thirty-three birdwatchers were on hand for the 105th Annual 2004 Oxford Christmas Bird Count on Saturday, December 18th. Nice weather (21 to 37 degrees and clear and sunny) brought out both the birdwatchers and the birds. Whereas last year we had 26 people, this year we had 33 birdwatchers who took to the field, certainly not as many as our all time high of 51 people seven years ago. They came up with a total of 67 species (68 if we count the one lost domestic Muscovy Duck), yet short of the record 74 species seen in 1974. The number of birds tallied was 6787 individuals, considerably above our 12 year average of 5908. Of special note among the sightings were 1877 European Starlings [our most frequent species as usual!], followed by 862 American Robbins, 732 Mallard Ducks, 333 House Sparrows, 301 Mourning doves, 296 Gold finches, and 255 Canada Geese. Two new species to our count were the Blue-winged Teal and the Northern Shoveler ducks. While these two species of ducks are not unusual around here, we have never before picked them up on our annual Christmas Bird Count. Our Duck populations are yet steadily in decline since Acton Lake has been opened to duck hunting, especially during the time of our Christmas Bird Count. Other species observed in our count included 13 Great Blue Herons, 18 Black Vultures, 16 Turkey Vultures, 255 Canada Geese, 18 Tundra Swans, black ducks, 732 Mallards, 11 Blue-winged Teal, 5 Buffleheads, 3 Northern Harriers, 4 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 3 Cooper’s Hawk, 26 Red-tailed Hawks, 11 Kestrels, 6 Northern Bobwhites, 7 American Coots, 5 Killdeer, 1 Bonaparte’s Gull, 167 Ring-billed Gulls, 7 Rock Doves, 301 Mourning Doves, 1 Great Horned Owles, 1 Barred Owl, 10 Kingfishers, 1 Redheaded Woodpecker, 85 Red-bellied woodpeckers, 2 Yellow-bellied Woodpeckers, 76 Downy Woodpeckers, 10 Hairy Woodpeckers, 40 Northern Flickers, 24 Pileated Woodpeckers, 38 Blue Jays, 138 Crows, 15 Horned Larks, 212 Carolina Chicakdees, 74 Tufted Titmice, 54 White-breasted Nuthatches, 2 Brown Creepers, 39 Carolina Wrens, 1 Winter Wren, 15 Golden-crowned Kinglets, 32 Bluebirds, 4 Hermit Thrushes, 862 American Robins, 13 Mockingbirds, 1 brown thrasher, 1877 European Starlings, 2 Ceder Waxwings, 1 Yellow rumped warbler, 9 Rufus-sided Towhees, 11 American Tree Sparrows, 1 Field Sparrow, 2 Fox Sparrows, 32 Song Sparrows, 206 White-throated Sparrows, 3 White-crowned Sparrows, 181 Dark-eyed Juncos, 203 Cardinals (our State Bird), 11 Meadowlarks [AMV’s NEW LOGO BIRD], 1 Brown-headed Cowbird, 9 Purple Finches, 80 House Finches, 296 American Goldfinches, and 333 House Sparrows.

Thirty-three veteran and first-time birders participated in the annual 105th National Audubon Christmas Count, including: Paul Anderson, Debra Bowles, Al Cady, Sharon Edwards, Hardy and Barb Eshbaugh, Bill Heck, Judi Hetrick, Jim and Alex Hickey, Chuck Holliday, Jeanette Jaskula, Jack Keegan, Tom Klak, Jay Mager, Bruce Magurn, Ben Matox, Jim and Sarah Michael, Annie Nielson, Dave Osborne, Neil and Laura Poppendeck, Bill Pratt, Dan Prochaska, Jim Reid, Gail Reynolds, Larry and Leslye Sherman, Casey Tucker, Jean Vance, Bill Wilson and Liz Woedl. Liz Woedl helped with observations at the Birdfeeders throughout the day, as well.  A special note of thanks to each of the 12 “trip leaders” Debra Bowles, AlCady, Sharon Edwards, Barb and Hardy Eshbaugh, Annie Nielson, Dave Osborn, Bill Pratt, Jim Reid, Larry and Leslye Sherman, and Liz Woedl.

When the totals were recorded at noon at Miami University’s Ecological Research Center on Somerville Road where the count started, Liz Woedl and many others, once again supplied the welcome lunch for all participants. Many thanks to Liz and everyone else who brought on the food! Larry Sherman organized and compiled the results and has also made them available on the WWW at the following URL: Our data were submitted via the Internet to National Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count Center. People interested in seeing the total results for North America are advised to go to their web site at the following URL: